
Most up-to-date list of publications can be found on Google Scholar

La liste de publications à jour peut–être trouvée sur Google Scholar


  • Unclocklike oscillators with frequency memory for the entrainment of biological clocks, Christian Mauffette Denis, Paul François, arXiv:2405.05180


  • “Nonreciprocal synchronization in embryonic oscillator ensembles” C Ho, L Jutras-Dubé, ML Zhao, G Mönke, IZ Kiss, P François, A Aulehla, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (36), e2401604121. 2024

  • “A Waddington landscape for prototype learning in generalized Hopfield networks”, Nacer Eddine Boukacem, Allen Leary, Robin Thériault, Felix Gottlieb, Madhav Mani, Paul François*, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033098. 2024

  • “Waves, patterns, bifurcations : a tutorial review on the vertebrate segmentation clock”, Paul François*, Victoria Mochulska, Physics Reports , 1080, 1-104. 2024


  • “CD3ζ ITAMs enable ligand discrimination and antagonism by inhibiting TCR signaling in response to low-affinity peptides”, Guillaume Gaud, Sooraj Achar, François XP Bourassa, John Davies, Teri Hatzihristidis, Seeyoung Choi, Taisuke Kondo, Selamawit Gossa, Jan Lee, Paul Juneau, Naomi Taylor, Christian S Hinrichs, Dorian B McGavern, Paul François, Grégoire Altan-Bonnet, Paul E Love*, Nature Immunology, 1:14. 2023

  • “New Wave Theory”, Editorial, François P*, Development, 150 (4): dev201647


  • “Evolution of cell size control is canalized towards adders or sizers by cell cycle structure and selective pressures“ Proulx-Giraldeau F, Skotheim J, François P*, eLife, 11:e79919. 2022

  • "Universal antigen encoding of T cell activation from high-dimensional cytokine dynamics" Achar SR, Bourassa FXP, Rademaker TJ, Lee A, Kondo T, Salazar-Cavazos E, Davies JS, Taylor N, François P*, Altan-Bonnet G*, Science 376(6595):880-884 . 2022

  • "Arnold tongue entrainment reveals dynamical principles of the embryonic segmentation clock" Layague Sanchez PG, Mochulska V, Mauffette Denis C, Mönke G, Tomita T, Tsuchida-Straeten N, Petersen Y, Sonnen KF, François P*, Aulehla A* eLife 11:e79575. 2022

  • "Latent space of a small genetic network: Geometry of dynamics and information" Seyboldt R, Lavoie J, Henry A, Vanaret J, Petkova MD, Gregor T, François P* PNAS. 119 (26) e2113651119. 2022


  • "Endocytic proteins with prion-like domains form viscoelastic condensates that enable membrane remodeling" Bergeron-Sandoval LP, Kumar S, Khadivi Heris H, Chang CLA, Hendricks AG, Cornell CE, Keller SL, François P, Hendricks AG, Ehrlicher AJ, Pappu RV, Michnick SW*. PNAS. 118 (50) e2113789118. 2021

  • "Pre-existing chromatin accessibility and gene expression differences among naïve CD4+ T cells influence effector potential" Rogers D, Sood A, Wang H, van Beek JJP, Rademaker TJ, Artusa P, Schneider C, Shen C, Wong DC, Lebel M-E, Condotta SA, Richer MJ, Martins AJ, Tsang JS, Barreiro L, François P, Langlais D, Melichar HJ, Textor J, Mandl JN*. Cell Rep. 37(9):110064. 2021


  • "Geometric models for robust encoding of dynamical information into embryonic patterns" Jutras-Dubé L, El-Sherif E, François P, eLife 9:e55778 . 2020

  • "Numerical Parameter Space Compression and Its Application to Biophysical Models" Hsu CT, Brouhard GJ, François P, Biophys J 118(6):1455-1465. 2020


  • "Successive Kinesin-5 Microtubule Crosslinking and Sliding Promote Fast, Irreversible Formation of a Stereotyped Bipolar Spindle" " Leary A, Sim S, Nazarova E, Shulist K ,Genthial R, Yang SK ,Bui KH , Francois P , Vogel J Curr Biol. 29(22):3825-3837.e3. 2019

  • "Physical approaches to receptor sensing and ligand discrimination" François P, Zilman A, Curr. Op. Syst. Biol. 18,111-121. 2019

  • "A High-Throughput Image Correlation Method for Rapid Analysis of Fluorophore Photoblinking and Photobleaching Rates" Sehayek S, Gidi Y, Glembockyte V, Brandão HB, François P, Cosa G, Wiseman PW, ACS Nano 13, 10, 11955-11966. 2019

  • "Attack and Defense in Cellular decisions: lessons from machine learning" Rademaker T, Bengio E, François P, Physical Review X (In Press)

  • "In Silico Evolution of Biochemical Log-Response" Hemery M, François P, J. Phys. Chem. B, 123,10, 2235-2243. 2019


  • “φ-evo: A program to evolve phenotypic models of biological networks" Henry A, Hemery M, François P. PLoS Comput Biol 14(6): e1006244. 2018

  • “Landscape, bifurcations, geometry for development" François P, Jutras-Dubé L. Curr. Op. Syst. Biol. (In Press). 2018

  • “From evolutionary computation to phenotypic spandrels Inverse problem for immune ligand recognition" François P, Hemery M. Systems Immunology . 2018

  • “Modulation of Phase Shift between Wnt and Notch Signaling Oscillations Controls Mesoderm Segmentation" Sonnen KF, Lauschke VM, Uraji J, Falk HJ, Petersen Y, Funk MC, Beaupeux M, François P, Merten CA, Aulehla A. Cell, 172(5):1079-1090. 2018


  • “Untangling the hairball: fitness based asymptotic reduction of biological networks" Proulx-Giraldeau F, Rademaker TJ, François P Biophys. J.,113(8):1893-1906 (see also a simple summary). 2017

  • “Speed regulation of genetic cascades allows for evolvability in the body plan specification of insects" Zhua X, Rudolf H, Healey L, François P, Brown SJ, Klingler M, El-Sherif E, PNAS 114(41):E8646-E865. 2017

  • “Multiscale quantification of tissue behavior during amniote embryo axis elongation" Benazeraf B, Beaupeux M, Tchernookov M, Wallingford A, Salisbury T, Shirtz A, Shirtz A, Huss D, Pourquie O, François P, Lansford R, Development, 144: 4462-447.

  • "Sorting at embryonic boundaries requires high heterotypic interfacial tension" Canty L, Zarour E, Kashkooli L, François P, Fagotto F Nature Communications, 8(1):157 . 2017


  • “Phenotypic spandrel: absolute discrimination and ligand antagonism" François P , Hemery M, Johnson KA, Saunders LN, Phys. Biol., in Press. 2016

  • “Positional information from oscillatory phase shifts : insights from in silico evolution" Beaupeux M, François P Phys. Biol. 13 : 036009 . 2016

  • “Predicting Ancestral Segmentation Phenotypes from Drosophila to Anopheles Using In Silico Evolution" Rothschild JB, Tsimiklis P, Siggia ED, François P PLoS Genet 12(5): e1006052 . 2016

  • “The case for absolute ligand discrimination : modeling information processing and decision by immune T cells" François P and Altan-Bonnet G, Journal of Statistical Physics, 162 (5):1130–1152 . 2016





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